CCm Technologies to transform cocoa shells discarded at Cargill factory into low-carbon fertiliser pellets for wheat farmers
Surfers Against Sewage's annual Brand Audit found Coca-Cola is responsible for 17 per cent of all branded plastic litter
More than 90 leading businesses from across the EU have signed a statement urging MEPs to step up efforts to tackle the climate risks faced by the continent's food systems
World's largest coffee brand aims to source half of its coffee using regenerative agricultural methods by 2030 in support of Nestlé's net zero ambitions
New Nestle Wheat Plan aims to encourage more sustainable farming practices across the food giant's cereal supply chain
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy study warns the 'climate footprint of Europe's big meat and dairy companies rival the fossil fuel giants'
Global Witness investigation finds slew of big brands and global financiers are directly or indirectly linked to human rights abuses and destruction of critical carbon sinks in Papua New Guinea
Consumer goods giant launches interactive platform to highlight dilemmas facing manufacturers as they work to curb environmental impacts in their supply chains
Consortium featuring L’Oréal, Nestlé Waters, PepsiCo, and Suntory Beverage & Food Europe tout major plastic recycling breakthrough
Mars, Unilever, Pepsi Co and Nestle among those backing £1m Flexible Plastic Fund