Conservative Party Conference speech highlights importance of COP26, but fails to deliver fresh policy announcements or expected 2035 zero carbon grid pledge
The charity network has already raised nearly all of its target £30m in just one year, and has now started work on 35 recovery projects across the UK
The Jordans Farm Partnerships provides incentives to farmers to conserve some of their land for nature leading to the creation of more than 4,000 hectares of wildlife habitat in the last five years, according to a new study
Coalition of conservation charities is aiming to support a wide range of projects from the restoration of peatlands to the reintroduction of species such as beavers
New charity Heal plans to raise £7m to buy and rewild 500-acres (200ha) of land in southern England within two years, before replicating the project further afield.
Lexicographers have detected an uptick in words linked to environmental issues
Latest report from Commonwealth think tank argues subsidy reforms and carbon taxes could see a quarter of UK land returned to nature
Lund University's Stephen Woroniecki talks to Guardian columnist and environmental campaigner George Monbiot about how natural solutions could play a key role in tacking climate breakdown
Almost 90 per cent of young people think it is important for corporations to take better care of the environment, according to a new survey for youth campaign group A Focus on Nature