Firm says investment in T-FIT insulation will help it become 'Britain's greenest business'
Wind farms boasting total capacity of 179MW currently being developed by ERG are set to begin generating power later this year
Proposal set to be included in Scotland’s forthcoming Circular Economy Bill, which is earmarked for consultation in May
The manufacturing sector holds the key to delivering a net zero economy, but operators need to invset now in skills and innovation, argues the Stewart McKinlay from the Manufacturing Skills Academy
Bids invited to develop sea, air or rail port hubs in Scotland which must be aligned with net zero by 2045
Oil and Gas UK announces name change to account for members growing interest in blue hydrogen, offshore wind and CCS
Crown Estate announces leases for 17 offshore wind projects in Scottish waters that would together boast 25GW of capacity
After it was sidelined in UK government's zero carbon cluster funding plans, the Scottish government has moved to provide financial support to the country's flagship carbon capture project
Firm to take on 17 new solar project sites that will power the equivalent of 220,000 homes
Closure of EDF's Ayrshire plant, which has operated on west coast of Scotland since 1976, leaves UK with just seven operational nuclear stations