Partnership includes plans to build a green hydrogen production facility in Glasgow to fuel growing demand for hydrogen in transport
Drax eyes key role for Cruachan pumped hydro storage station in managing growing levels of renewable electricity on the grid
Applications open for £10m government funding pot to help distilleries switch to low-carbon fuels such as hydrogen, biomass and repurposed waste
Malin Newbuild teams up with Smart Green Shipping to advance development of zero emission shipping prototype
Agriculture Bill takes a step forward, as a reports emerge of row between Holyrood and Westminster over the government's post-Brexit plans for environmental and food standards
Ferrymuir utility-scale battery project marks the private equity investors first such investment in Scotland
Committee on Climate Change chief describes postponement as 'entirely reasonable in the present circumstances'
Scottish ice cream maker begins installation of multi-million pound freezer powered by ammonia made from on-site biomass boilers
Midlothian Council, which recently declared a climate emergency, is partnering with Vattenfall as it works to decarbonise the region's heat and power networks
Scotland's First Minister calls for 'reset' of relationship between Holyrood and Westminster to aid action at UN climate summit in Glasgow