Environmental charity Hubbub wants to get the conversation about water scarcity flowing with its new #TapChat campaign
New online network will bring together innovators, start-ups, and companies to find solutions to global challenges such as water scarcity, biotechnology giant claims
Major report by investor-backed group Ceres reveals corporate water management is improving, but huge risks remain unaddressed
The menswear range, available now, is made from denim that uses less energy, water and chemicals in the manufacturing process
Watchdog says failure to meet commitment to tackle leaks justifies maximum automatic fine for utility, but there is better news for the company's clean energy efforts
New analysis suggest terrorists thrive in communities impacted by climate risks, such as drought or food shortages
A host of leading companies are starting to apply circular economy thinking to the water industry, and the approach could deliver major savings
ING Bank report argues closed loop systems in global water industry could provide cheaper and more eco-friendly alternative to desalination
Kingdom will review generous subsidies on water and energy use to encourage more efficient use of resources
New report reveals leading blue chips are failing to adequately address water-related risks despite soaring costs