Power generation up five per cent thanks to new wind farms coming online and lower gas prices
Secretary of State for Energy says he will not approve any extension of renewable subsidy programmes after 2017
Wind power met all of Scotland's electricity needs on Sunday, new data shows
Scottish Government lodges also appeals against recent court decisions to overturn planning consent for several high profile wind farms
Financing package will pay for the construction of two new onshore wind farms, delivering 23.4MW of clean energy capacity
New study concludes there is "no overall relationship" between tourism employment in an area and the deployment of onshore wind farms
World energy system is entering a 'triple transition' driven by climate change, business model disruption and a resilience challenge, says WEC boss Christoph Frei - what does this mean for those working in the sector?
The site's multinational perspective should be useful for companies investing in renewables in several countries
Foundation created with proceeds from fossil fuel pioneer Standard Oil joins multi-million dollar clean energy investment deal
Edinburgh court overturns previous decision to block planning permission for 240MW wind farm in Monadhliath mountains