New advert featuring Benedict Cumberbatch aims to highlight how UK pension funds are investing £300m in companies that fuel forest destruction
Unprecedented 22,243MW of wind power generated on December 15, as turbines take 'centre stage' in UK clean energy mix
Scottish government publishes Draft Implementation Plan setting out how it intends to ease barriers to charge point installation
Sixteen new sites on track to issue credits for sale to developers through the Biodiversity Net Gain scheme
New legislation and guidance to give National Parks and National Landscapes clear mandate to widen public access to nature and better protect trees, peatland, and wildlife
First flood and coastal erosion risk assessments to feature Met Office climate projections reveals around 800,000 more homes than previously thought are at risk of flooding in England
Office for Environmental Protection warns Defra, the Environment Agency, and Ofwat could face court action unless immediate efforts are made to remedy alleged breaches of laws governing sewage overflows
Government sets out proposals for integrating international carbon offsetting regime with UK emissions trading scheme
Material Focus warns 'big puff' vapes could see the UK still facing an avalanche of vape-related e-waste
Resurgent market predicted to expand rapidly in response to regulatory pressure and increasingly complex reporting requirements