BusinessGreen Building Technology of the Year award winner UK Energy Partners talks about its flagship low carbon Schoolhaus construction project
Joint statement calls for 'rebalancing' of the economy to one which provides enough good jobs while protecting the environment
University of Edinburgh analysis of National Grid figures shows greenhouse gas savings from wind farms bigger than previously thought
As Bill Gates launches his latest cleantech venture, HSBC survey reveals growing appetite for low carbon investment and mounting awareness the Paris Agreement will impact a raft of industries
New unit formed in anticipation of a rising interest in the sector from clients, says banking giant
ETI survey shows support for bioenergy similar to that of solar and offshore wind, but reveals on-going concerns about that biomass production's potential impact on food supplies
New coating promises boost yields while allowing farmers to use fertilisers more efficiently, firms say
Major deforestation commitments from Indonesia and Brazil are encouraging, but two reports this week show how far many companies have to go to break ties with deforested land
Michael Bloomberg and Henry Paulson among major economic players pushing for recognition of the risks and opportunities associated with climate change
Researchers claim new polymeric electrolyte could overcome the main downfall of supercapacitors as energy storage units - their low power density