Chemicals sector stakeholders urge government to set out 'clear vision' for industry's future in forthcoming Industrial Strategy
Food Foundation study assesses the health, climate, environment and affordability credentials of a range of plant-based meat alternative products
New framework for 1.5C-aligned climate targets in built environment sector calls for end of fossil fuel equipment installations, the retrofitting of inefficient buildings, and reductions in operational and upfront embodied emissions
New partnership aims to reduce energy bills for the schools and unlock investment in efficiency projects
Two new studies reveal how genes from wild plants could be used to breed new climate-resilient crops
New £7.6m low-carbon cement operation aims to accelerate the construction industry’s transition to net zero
Too many homeowners focusing on small energy efficiency changes rather than replacing fossil gas boilers, MCS Foundation research suggests
The recently completed lab achieves highest possible score in building sustainability certification
Multi-million-pound project will see improvements made to council and privately-owned British Iron and Steel Federation (BISF) homes in the Rumney area of the city
New research from NBS indicates around seven in ten construction projects now have sustainability targets