ECIU analysis highlights how a significant chunk of the global economy is already subject to existing or planned net zero emissions targets
Government says it expects back-up power auction scheme to soon be restored, with almost £1bn of back-payments to be made to generators in January
The UK should scale up solar and wind to make up looming potential shortfall in nuclear energy capacity, ECIU argues
Richard Black reflects on Denied - his new book on the rise and decline of UK climate scepticism
Manufacturers spent 32 per cent less in 2017 on advertising electric vehicles than a year earlier
Government revises National Planning Policy Framework to enable English local authorities to green light proposals to upgrade or repower existing wind farms
Having turned down state funding for Swansea Bay project, can the UK still become a world leader in tidal energy technology?
ECIU analysis argues repowering older turbines rather than shutting them down could boost cheap energy in the UK
BREAKING: Output from UK wind farms exceeds 10GW for first time ever thanks to blustery winter weather
ECIU analysis finds 1GW of new onshore wind would cost £30m a year less than 1GW of offshore wind and £100m less than new nuclear or biomass