Government confirms policy package aimed at boosting farmers' incomes, upholding environmental standards in trade deals, and developing cutting edge agri-tech
Green Alliance calls for fresh 'obligations and incentives' to encourage food companies to invest more in protecting and restoring natural capital
Ethical Consumer study lauds 'incredible power of many small actions' in nudging consumers towards healthier diets, but also warns UK moving in the wrong direction on transport, heating and consumer goods
Food Foundation study highlights the huge toll of unhealthy diets on the NHS, the economy, and the planet
Humans rely on a very narrow selection of plant and animal food products, but mounting research suggests more diversity could boost local and regional economies
Greencore's chief sustainability officer explains how her background in economics and finance is becoming increasingly useful as the green agenda matures
New Planet Tracker report analyses the benefits of healthier foods for businesses, consumers, and the environment
Supermarket commits to sourcing all its UK meat, milk, eggs, fruit, and vegetables from farms that use nature-friendly practices by 2035
Wildfarmed's own-brand of bread rolls, sliced loaves, and baguettes made with wheat grown using regenerative farming practices to be sold exclusively in Waitrose supermarkets from May
McCain's vice president of global external affairs and sustainability reflects on the launch of the Hot Potato Podcast, regeneratively farming the Metaverse, and post-COP optimism