A green gilt programme could fulfil extra borrowing capacity, unlock private investment in net zero, and hold the UK's climate ambitions to account, writes IEEFA's Kevin Leung
To protect biodiversity on a meaningful scale, we need a clear national plan and regulations for the UK's built environment to drive industry action, argues UKGBC's Louise Hutchins
BusinessGreen Features Editor Cecilia Keating is moving on to pastures new - here she reflects on four and half years reporting on a green economy in constant flux
Expanding VAT relief and widening the Boiler Upgrade Scheme to more low carbon technologies can be quietly transformational, argues Labour MP Jack Abbott
IEMA's Sarah Mukherjee reflects on what the weak outcome of fractious UN biodiversity talks in Cali, Colombia means for green business leaders
As the US takes a step back from international climate dipomacy, business and governments must push even harder for ambitious action, writes Climate Group's Helen Clarkson
Rebalancing levies on gas and electricity bills can play a significant role in reducing UK households' dependency on fossil gas, writes Centre for Net Zero's Andy Hackett
Local authorities' ability to deliver climate goal is being hampered by short-term funding pots and the lack of a local area energy planning framework, writes Southampton City Council's Lorna Fielker
If the key message from government at the Budget was 'invest, invest, invest', businesses' message in return is 'deliver, deliver, deliver', writes CISL's Beverley Cornaby
The next round of country climate plans must include explicit investments in greening the workforce, writes LinkedIn's Sue Duke